Education & Training

With our long-lasting involvement in the education sector, we are regarded as experts on legal matters pertaining to the various stages of formal education. From elementary to higher education, our commitment to mentorship, innovation and creative thinking has given us a particularly intimate understanding of the needs of our clients in the industry. 

Our team of specialized lawyers advises on a variety of matters that affect the education and training industry which include drafting tailored contracts for teachers and training staff, undertaking their proper legal registration, ensuring compliance with administrative regulations, supporting their accreditation applications and overseeing funding and donor approval.

Furthermore, as active participants in our community, our team sits on the board of numerous renowned educational institutions such as Injaz and EDAMA. Our Founding Partner has also served as a member on the Royal Commission for Developing Education.

Key Experience: 

  • Acted for INJAZ on the creation of self-sustainable local funding programs and advised them on their economic and financial inclusion curriculums.   
  • Advised Jordan Media Institute on their collaboration with the University of Jordan on the formation of the only Masters of Arts program relating to Journalism and New Media. 
  • Legal advisors of EDAMA. 
  • Advised a prestigious Jordanian private school on the establishment of their new research institute.